Height adjustable base build services from Peloton, Inc.

Peloton, Inc. provides a wide range of height adjustable base solutions, from cost-effective, lightweight tables to machine bases with integrated controls, framing, and accessories. With the aim of assisting with ergonomic issues, our height adjustable bases promote employee wellness, comfort, safety, and focus. As a result, they have a hand in increasing the efficiency of your operation. We are often able to retrofit existing workstations, allowing you to maintain the aesthetics of your facility while experiencing the benefits of the services that we offer.

Want to learn more about our services? Contact Us


595 East Allegan St. | Otsego, MI 49078

(269) 694-9702

“We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality.”
-Albert Einstein